Алексей Красильников:
вот как было изначально ! ))))))

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Будь VKурсе:
Рио-де-Жанейро, Бразилия

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wafaa ghareeb:
Fingal’s Cave, Scotland

Fingal’s #Cave is one-of-a-kind cave with its neat hexagonal columns that form its interior walls. These six-sided pillars make the cave visually astounding.

Seventy-two feet tall and two-hundred-seventy feet deep, this cave has #history and geology that are most distinct.

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Людмила Н.:
Дары лета....

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Dragana Biocanin:

Memorable night for sea turtle enthusiasts

Minutes slowly tick by Saturday night as Cass Bromley checks on sea turtle nests at Fort Pickens. Over the course of three hours, she walks about a mile in the sand in her official National Park Service ranger uniform, complete with gray button-up shirt, dark green slacks, brown boots and a Stetson-style felt hat.

Bromley, the Gulf Islands National Seashore chief of science and resources stewardship, carries a white towel and an empty white bucket. Each time...

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