Evelyn Cruz:
...God wants elect men- men out
of whom self and the world
have gone by a severe
crucifixion, by a bankruptcy
which has so totally ruined
self and the world that there is
neither hope nor
desire of recovery...

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Evelyn Cruz:
...God wants elect men- men out
of whom self and the world
have gone by a severe
crucifixion, by a bankruptcy
which has so totally ruined
self and the world that there is
neither hope nor
desire of recovery...

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Mikhail Petrovsky:
Озеро Сылтран-Кёль Путешествие и Отдых в Кабардино-Балкарии Куда поехать отдыхать Что посмотреть Фото Тур
Elbrus region Travel and Recreation in Kabardino-Balkaria
Приэльбрусье, ущелье Сылтрансу, 3200 м.
Photo by Шевченко Юрий

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