Алия Байтугаева:
Радоваться жизни- самое правильное решение,которое нужно принимать несколько раз в день!

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Чёрная малина

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C днем Святого Валентина!

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Dragana Biocanin:

Look how far Amanda the sea turtle is from Juno Beach!

Amanda, the 300-pound sea turtle released June 11 in front of 300 cheering fans in Juno Beach, has swam about 2,500 miles and she is off the coast of Sagua La Grande, Cuba, according to the Loggerhead Marinelife Center.

Officials know the loggerhead's location thanks to a cellphone-sized tracking device attached to her reddish-brown shell. The gadget is designed to fall off after a couple of years. Amanda's trip (see map below) is about 221 miles...

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Konstantin Fokin:

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